Editorial, Gadgets

For a nation to grow and citizens to prosper in health and wealth, rumours; the toxic invisible substances that can inflict ailment and cause death, must curtail.

We are not in public health class but about pollution of bickering, gnawing social fabrics and stripping individuals bare of dignity and placing others at risk.

At the core spray of poisonous information, which even the orchestraters wouldn’t consume, is the misuse of social media, the leaked documents on South Supreme Airlines, as a case study.

Whether the documents and the claims are legit, is not a point of discussion, but flunking it into public domain, like many others, stirs waters of hidden intent.

The government has organs, key to handling matters of financial misappropriation and other criminal acts.

The National Police Service, the National Security Service, the Parliament and the Office of the Auditor General, are some of the institutions that probe misappropriation and present the findings for action.

Otherwise, in economic crises as currently prevailing in the country, mismanagement of information, as an inflammatory substance, can incite the public against individuals and entities.

Nobody can avoid dirt smears, but rather remember, three fingers point at the one incrimination the other.

By summoning South Supreme Airlines’ Managing Director, both the National Assembly and Mr. Ayii Duang Ayii must seize this opportunity to lay the truth out.

Though mudslinging never ceases in a society, the use of the right channels and procedures without backstabbing propels us into inhibiting bad practices such as corruption.  It eliminates inflicting injuries on innocent individuals without cause.



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