Jonglei State, Lakes state, News

Bor open water channels amid rising Nile floodwater

By Deng Ghai Deng


Authorities in Jonglei State capital Bor have initiated an operation to clear water channels in response to the increasing floodwaters threatening the town.

Mayor John Tiopic Achiek reported that the Nile River has surged to dangerous levels, closing the town’s main dyke and prompting immediate action to prevent a repeat of the devastating 2020 floods.

“We anticipated the rise in Nile water levels and prepared by reinforcing the main dyke around Bor,” Tiopic said.

“Our immediate concern now is rainwater, which has already impacted several areas, including Panjak, Nigel, Achengdiir, Lekyak, Block 6 and 5, and Langbaar A. To address this, we have deployed four excavators to open channels and are working on fixing culverts.”

The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation had urged residents in low-lying areas and along the Nile’s banks to relocate to higher ground as the river’s banks are expected to overflow.

Peter Mahal Ohien, the Ministry’s Undersecretary, warned that several areas including Lologo in Juba, Gondokoro, Mangala, Bor and others are at high risk of severe flooding due to rising water levels.

The United Nations has reported that around 7.1 million people in South Sudan are facing acute food insecurity, exacerbated by climate-related shocks, economic instability, and ongoing conflict.

The situation remains dire as authorities intensify efforts to mitigate the impacts of the flooding.

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