OpEd, Politics

Talking about salary payment in the country is a reminder of the genesis of the terminology which originated from compensation to those in “Slavery”, hard to dream of the next pay.

Ironically, the striking staff of Bor Hospital in Jonglei State are sick of “Financial Deficiency Syndrome” which needs cure before they attend to the medical patients in the facility.

A sick person can’t attend to another, so, patients with financial dysfunction, find it challenging to handle medical clients in “empty stomachs” and “hollow pockets”.

Not only the drugs that heal the patients but personal energy, aura and attitude of the caretakers matters a lot in driving recovery, but what when both are sick?

Non-payment or lack of incentives doesn’t only inhibits the mood of the healthcare givers, they eventually fall prey to stress and sick like the other patients. Under such frustrating conditions, the health staff is subjected to a suicidal atmosphere.

Thanks, by love of humanity, trust and fear of God, our health facilities are safe and intact, despite non-payment, otherwise, supplies would flood private clinics.

Remember, the devil attempted to tempt Jesus Christ after starving him for days, but he was a divine, meanwhile, as humans, we may not outwit like the son of God.

It’s hard for a hungry healthcare giver to attend to a sick person, for bother needs help.

The state and national governments must devise means to sort out the strained staff.

At least give them listening ears and attending to some of their plights, even though not resolving the grievances in totality, this can inoculate them from temptation.

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