The Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) must retrace its footing and implement the 2018 agreement to set a lane for democracy and enable citizens regain the lost glory of the promise land.
At the moment, citizens are torn apart by numerous inflictions; they are battered by nature, gnawed by economic crises and strangled by shrinking civic and political space. Communal conflicts and marauding insecurity in parts of Central Equatoria state, make life unbearable for citizens.
Just on 30th August, as the World marked the day of the “Disappeared” and South Sudan factored in with over 5, 000 missing persons, the number keeps increasing with Yei County of Central Equatoria State registering frequent cases.
Each passing day brings miseries of floods devastating several parts of the country, on the other hand, the economic crises gnawing every single cell like cancer as commodity prices soar without control, while shrinking civic and political space, tightens noose.
In the silence of the guns, hundreds of citizens are perishing. They succumb to preventable and curable causes but are unable to either lack of money for treatment or inadequate feeding to improve their immunity. Civil servants and organized forces are the first causalities under this category.
There must be an emphasis on upholding human rights. The prolonged non-payment of civil servants and organized forces is another injustice that the government must address.
The current predicaments are not what citizens envisioned on the day of the referendum, when they braise the scorching sun, withstand hunger, marched in unity to cast votes for secession. Neither were undeserving living conditions the anticipations for the birth of liberation struggles, never was it spelt in the 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement.
Signatories and Parties to the 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement must come to the drawing board, review their promises to the citizens and deliver the truth, not something like the truth.