Jonglei State, National, News

Youth leaders call for financial accountability, reforms in Jonglei

By Dogga Luwo


The third Youth-Led Public Discourse on Financial Accountability, Transparency, and Institutional Reforms concluded last week in Bor, Jonglei State, marking a significant milestone in youth engagement in governance.

Organized by the Christian Agency for Peace and Development, with support from Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), the event brought together over 30 young leaders, government officials, civil society representatives, and community stakeholders to address issues of governance and transparency in the state.

The discourse exemplifies the commitment of Jonglei’s youth to hold institutions accountable and advocate for the reforms necessary to foster a transparent and just society.

The discussions highlighted the need for financial accountability and transparency within public institutions, as well as the implementation of institutional reforms to combat corruption and inefficiency.

Participants engaged in dynamic conversations, sharing insights on how to enhance financial management and cultivate a culture of transparency in Jonglei State.

One of the key outcomes of the discourse was the formulation of actionable plans by youth leaders to engage local authorities on financial management and institutional reforms.

Government representatives in attendance expressed their commitment to considering the recommendations and working towards greater transparency.

Mary Nyanachiek, a representative from the state ministry of finance said “the government is committed to increasing transparency in financial reporting and implementing the necessary reforms to improve service delivery and restore public trust.”

The event also highlighted the role of civil society and the media in promoting transparency and holding institutions accountable.

“Civil society and the media are our allies in this journey towards accountability,” said Khor John, a representative of the civil society organizations.

“We lack knowledge from the financial management and event how the government used the money and publicized the state budget for us to understand the work and the output in Jonglei State,” he added.

As the discourse concluded, the youth leaders expressed their determination to continue advocating for the reforms needed to ensure financial accountability and transparency in Jonglei State.

The organizers and participants thanked all who supported the event and pledged to sustain the momentum generated from this discourse.

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