Editorial, Gadgets


As the year comes to an end, it’s high time candidates reap what they sow; the lazy gaze at the roof, expecting answers for the examination questions, while those active are writing.

In recent times, some candidates and sympathizers cast blame of their failure on the National Ministry of Education and general instructions, yet the problem lies with the lazy individuals.

Last year, some candidates protested over what they claimed “tough questions” and they forgot that their actions only boomerang the actors. Others who witnessed poor performances when results were released, reportedly threatened officials of the ministry of education and general instructions with death.

Examinations are meant to assess one’s ability of comprehension to permit such individual for promotion, but if you deserve it, then, concentrate on learning to achieve the grade you want.

Success comes after sacrifice and in education, it’s the time, resources, and energy that one invests to get positive results, not idleness but there are those using shortcuts by “MACHOT” cheating.

“MACHOT” must be suffocated and extinguished to the last deem, because it’s this cheating from school that grows to breed corrupt public servants in offices. It also erodes the standard of education in a country since people who do not concentrate on a matter misuse their financial strength to get better grades, they continue doing so at every stage of their lifetime.

Don’t blame the Ministry of General Education and Instructions for making “MACHOT” impossible, it is for your own good and future.

Best Wishes for Success


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