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If not now, then when?

I intend to talk to different groups of people in this article. At first, I want to talk to young people who are being underrepresented and sometimes misrepresented, but who go missing from the table where the present and future decisions are being made. When youth are invited to attend,[Read More…]

Unity state is suffering

By Gatkuoth Nangdor Riak Karay Unity State in South Sudan is facing a critical situation where it seems to be losing out while others are gaining. The question arises – did our parliamentary representatives sell out our chance for progress, or do we as citizens not have the right to[Read More…]

The political and legal quagmire: Examining the exorbitant political party registration fees

By Gama Hassan Oscas   In a move that has sent shockwaves across the political landscape of South Sudan, the Political Parties Council recently decreed that those seeking registration must pay a staggering $50,000 USD or its equivalent in SSP as provisional registration fees. This decision, coupled with the prohibition[Read More…]