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Use what you have

What do you have now? Are you able to discover what you have? Is it a myth that you have something now? Think about what you have as you read this article. You are a classroom teacher. Your complaint is that you don’t have enough tools for making the learning[Read More…]


By Very Rev. Nathaniel Garang Aduotdiit   IT’S NOT WISE TO BLAME GOD. Proverbs 19:3 ERV “People ruin their lives with the foolish things they do, and then they blame the Lord for it.” I have often heard people of God, so helplessly giving testimony, or rather expressing their grievance,[Read More…]

Promoting Inclusion: Call for gender and social inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in South Sudan

By Lupai Emmanuel   South Sudan has unprecedented levels of violence against women with disabilities. The majority of them are exposed to various forms of violence throughout their lifetime. Due to the intersecting factors of being a woman, disabled, illiterate, and poor, these intersections put them in a very precarious[Read More…]