Commentary, Gadgets

Dear President, I am touched to write to your honored office, as you are the head of state and father of everyone in the country.

I feel excited to send my voice through this letter, not because I’m against your leadership but because of the important key words to deliver to your attention.

There are a lot of issues happening in the country, such as the shooting of innocent civilians on the streets, shops, and the main one is the economic hardship where now villages and even here in the city citizens are starving to death and civil servants have stayed for 10 good months without pay, and they continue giving hope to you that you will one day address all these issues as a state-standing president.

You did a lot for this country to be called South Sudan; you fought for it to succeed, and it happens with confidence; people expect more from you, which is now in a different direction than when you were fighting for freedom. Every tribe supported you even if not fighting with guns, but they have been providing support through food. Even your soldiers now are suffering on duty.

But today is not the case; the fight has turned into an individual business followed by our disease called tribalism, which has spoiled the goods that the country achieved over the 13 years, where politicians think about themselves with their relatives and families only; they are focusing on development outside the country because none of them trust their own country and all are wickedly minded leaders. That’s why the country cannot fight the economic crisis all this time.

As citizens are suffering from hunger, staying for (10) months without salaries in this economic hardship as if the country is still going through depression, just as if it’s the same Sudanese government regime that the south separated from, which is attracting questions as to why the souths fight for? And what do the leaders think they are doing? Is this country stable, or is it yet for the time being? There were a lot of questions that required answers from the leaders, but each question had an intense answer. It’s very difficult to understand from our leaders if they focus on their citizens or if they are waiting for new citizens, it should be clear. Because this suffering is too much.

As head state, you should know that after fighting for freedom, you are supposed to make your citizens happy so that you can be remembered for liberating the country for peace like many other African leaders who fought for the freedom of their countries and were not misled by wrong people. I appreciate your work as the head of state.

I appeal to you, the Head of State, to understand the situation of the citizens in the country and be grateful to them by paying the little salaries they are entitled to because for a country to stand, it is not only the leaders, and may be if there are wrong advisors around you, try to decree them out for the feature of this country.

I also apologize for this letter in case it sounds bad to you and appreciate if it will make any change.


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