By Ephraim Modi Duku
Sensational artiste and the founder of Kilukilu Ana Comedy Show MC Lumoex (Peacemaker) has claimed that lack of peace in the country failed the entire entertainment industry.
In an interview on Tuesday, Lumoex highlighted how the entertainment industry would survive if there was total peace in the country.
He said the insecurity in the country is one of the factors that had led down the whole entertainment industry.
“The issue of insecurity which is caused by the lack of peace in the country failed us completely. We would be hired all over the 10 states if there’s peace and security in all areas of the country. Promoters can’t organise for us concerts outside Juba because the cost of hiring a plane over road transport or train is high. Our leaders should embrace peace and development for the country to move forward,” he said.
“Every industry has challenges, and entertainment in South Sudan is politically, financially and healthy wise affected. Music illiteracy, our people don’t believe that our music needs their push to capture the African and world market” Lumoex added.
In any industry, it is believed that money is the pillar of everything which he said the industry lacks the most.
“If the system is not financially supported there is nothing anyone can do. The artist union needs a national budget to operate its activities efficiently.
Besides that, Lumoex also advised the upcoming artists to stay focus and at least acquire a certain level of education and stop taking drugs or go for witchcrafts to best equip them with more talent.
“I would also like to advise the young artists to look forward in the industry, pursue knowledge from school and stop indulging in drugs that will mentally affect them or go for witchcrafts in search for more talent to push their music, good music is good, no need for magic”.
As a very prominent artist, Lumoex reveals bigger plans for the Kilukilu Ana Comedy Show conducted every Thursday in Nyokuron Cultural Centre’
“I am looking at myself as a more established artist, more capable to raise many upcoming singers with a better platform to showcase their talent than now Kilukilu Ana, I am turning Kilukilu Ana Comedy Show into a music academy”.
When asked about things that inspired him to sing, MC Lumoex gave out a very inspiring point.
“I am inspired by nature and existence of humanity, birds that fly, river waters, stillness of the lakes, morning breeze, the rise of the sun, beauty of the moon and stars in the air, sound of animals and behaviours quite alot, fellow humans and how they carry on with life all these resonates into a song that I felt would come out of me. Mr Longonyo is my current song and is based on the behaviour of the elite youths squandering cash without plan for tomorrow, eating up their retirement benefits”.
Mc Lumoex also known officially as Isaac Lumori is an artist who has recorded several songs. Apart from his artistic job, he serves as a network engineer in the field of ICT (Information Communication Technology).
Mc Lumoex is the brain behind Dance competition called “Alabu dance season I/II”, President of Lumoex Republic under the Nas wahid Entertainment Music Crew. Co-Share of Kilukilu Ana Organisation.
Mc Lumoex have served as an entertainer since his Childhood. He has been actively involved in singing profession since 1997.