

Mushrooms in marshland

By Hon. James Ayiek Bath Acuoth

Former Minister of Information

Defunct Tonj

It is home to escaped convicts, it is inhibited by the unclean wild, the mushrooms hunters are queued in the marshland.

Its delicacy and demand is equivocally trending, the production is tedious, and it is a business of indefinite time. Hurry! It is getting dark in marshland, perhaps, the supply maybe at risks of spoil.

Do not dare check the trademark on the package, the chefs are warned. Adorned with the living spring,, fleshy white, with flexible and soft flesh, the mushrooms are proudly paraded in marshland.

Tread softly, less the escaped convicts get alerted, or else the delivery maybe at risks of spoil. It is inhibited by the unclean wild, it is a source of delicious mushrooms, it is safe haven for the unclean wild, the marshland is owned, and the mushrooms are in marshland, the mushrooms in marshland are on demand.

It is a business of indefinite time, the mushrooms in marshland shall forever be proudly paraded in marshland.

Academic interpretation;

1. Mushrooms is Water.

2. Marshland is The Republic of South Sudan.

3. Escaped convicts is freedom.

4. Business of indefinite is dredging.

5. Unclean wild is (infidel) nickname for Christians

6. Chef stand for the Republic of Egypt.

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