Central Equatoria State, News

Over 400 forcefully evicted

By Bida Elly David


Over 400 citizens in Ombaci Boma, Yei River County, are facing a humanitarian crisis after being forced out of their homes allegedly by the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF).

Lawmaker, Peter Lomude raised the issue during a siting on Tuesday, stating that the SSPDF mobile forces have caused total insecurity in the county, frustrating the inhabitants.

He said as of last week, 433 people have been displaced from their homes and are now sheltering at the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) compound in Yei town.

“Civilians were forced by the mobile forces of the SSPDF in an area called Lata village in Ombaci Payam to leave. Their belongings, cattle, and so on were taken,” Peter said.

The victims, who live as captives in their own vicinities, are missing proper accommodation, food, and non-food items, the lawmaker said.

“The humanitarian situation at the church in Yei is so serious that there is a need for intervention as soon as possible.”

“I appeal to this August House, humanitarian agencies and perhaps the media for assistance for children and women sheltering under trees within the ECSS compound in Yei,” he stated.

Lomude further stated that the parliament has been empowered with legitimacy to fight the forceful displacement of civilians from localities.

Efforts to reach the Yei River County Commissioner Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa were futile by press time.

On the 23rd of September, Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) mobile forces were accused of killing two people and wounding one in Lata, an area in Ombaci Boma of Yei River County.

The same MP Peter Lomude furiously condemned the act of the army, stating the soldiers had failed to execute a mandate of protecting civilians in the entire County of Yei.

The area MP Lomude termed the brutal act a contravention of Chapter 2 of the revitalized agreement, which requires the army to protect civilians.

Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa, the commissioner of Yei River County, earlier confirmed the murder of the two, noting that they were probing the incident.

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