Central Equatoria State, News

Yei receives €19 Million for Rural Development

By James Innocent


Yei River County Commissioner welcomed a €19 million joint German-Dutch project for rural development, launched on Tuesday.

Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa expressed gratitude for the long-term partnership and Governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony’s message of appreciation.

The project’s Phase II directly supports agricultural production and economic development, key state policies.

Commissioner Kanyikwa thanked Bouwe-Jan Smeding, head of cooperation for the Dutch embassy, for joining the effort.

Smeding, representing the donors, emphasized their desire for long-term impact and a shift from humanitarian aid to development.

He announced a €9 million Dutch contribution alongside €10 million from Germany, supporting 81,000 households.

Dr. Björn Miere, head of cooperation for the German embassy, urged state and national leadership to prioritize road construction and agricultural machinery to boost production and entrepreneurship.

He stressed balanced interventions ensuring women and youth benefit.

Maik Schwarz, GIZ Country Director, appreciated the state and local governments’ cooperation.

Commissioner Kanyikwa concluded the event by urging community members to return to farming, citing the 1980s as an example of successful production.

He called for state and national support for the Yei Green Home Agriculture Programme to promote cooperative farming and local seed production while combating climate change. Over 80 participants attended the launch.


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