Easter Equatoria State, News

Police investigating 38-year-old man’s death

By Ijoo Bosco


Traffic police in Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria State are investigating a circumstance in which a 38-year-old man was found dead along Magwi Abara Road on Thursday evening.

Suspecting that the deceased might have been knocked down by a speeding car, the police appealed for information on any vehicle that traveled along the route, late Thursday evening.

Magwi Traffic Police Officer, Mr. Onen George Jaldowng said they went on Friday morning to find the person lifeless on the road.

Speaking during a phone interview with No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, Mr. Onen said it appears the driver of the vehicle involved, did not stop and immediately left the scene.

According to Onen, police discovered that the deceased has a crack on the head and a bruised around the body, indicating he was knocked by a car.

The traffic police officer explained that preliminary investigations show that the deceased went to the neighbor to get alcohol, but on his way back home, he met his death.

He further pointed out that the police found a full packet of cigarettes and alcohol in the pocket of the deceased, which was still intact.

The traffic police investigator, said police completed an examination at the scene Friday morning and inquiries are underway to identify and locate the driver and the vehicle involved.

“We are still trying to locate the whereabouts of the driver who knocked on the door; once found, we shall bring him to answer questions about the incident,” said Onen.

He pointed out that it is very important for every vehicle and motorcycle to have a plate number for easy identification.

Onen said this is the third time they are registering such accident deaths along Magwi Abara Road as a result of over speeding and careless driving by motorists.

He appealed to anyone involved in a road accident not to run away or hide but rather to report voluntarily for the law to take its course.

He further urged the family members of the late to follow the matter even after the last funeral rites.


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