Central Equatoria State, News

MP objects cattle herders’ return

By William Madouk


Central Equatoria State Assembly calls for speedy intervention measures to deal with the incursion of Ambororo and Bor cattle herders in the state.

In his statement, Chairperson for the Peace and Security Committee, Mr. Isaac Aloro said he has incredible information from the victims about the presence of two armed cattle groups in Tore Payam, Yei River County, Central Equatoria State.

“The two groups of armed cattle herders entered into Tore Payam, Yei River County, two weeks ago,” said Aloro.

He cited that the Tore authorities said Ambororo had gone back to the DR Congo and the Central African Republic separately and alleged that a section of Dinka Bor herders set a house that belonged to the local chief ablaze.

“The Dinka Bor cattle herders, well known for their destruction of farms and brutal killings, have burned a house belonging to a chief, including his household properties, and civilians’ farms were also destroyed,” he claimed.

MP Aloro emphasized that the civil population of Central Equatoria State witnessed ‘barbaric’ and ‘brutal atrocities’ from marauding armed cattle keepers in Lokiliri Payam, Ngangala Boma, Lainya, and Kajo-Keji incidents for the past two years.

“The people of Central Equatoria state are peace-loving and harmonious in nature, and I therefore call on sisterly Jonglei state leaders to reign on their herders to return to their places of origin,” he noted.

“We continue to hear more disturbing challenges from our civilians’ destruction of farms by the cattle, and more so, our people are preparing their lands for cultivation as the rainy season is approaching,” Aloro continued.

The lawmaker also appealed to the CES government to expeditiously intervene and enforce the eviction of herders to avoid the loss of lives and property of civilians in the state.

“The state minister of the Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency should urgently initiate measures to evacuate the cattle keepers out of CES and brief August House on the preparedness of the ministry to restore peace and order in the state,” Aloro advised.

Days ago, the cabinet of the Central Equatoria State expressed serious concern over the return of the cattle keepers to the state.

State Minister of Information, Andruga Mabe, said after the last Thursday cabinet meeting that Governor Adil, in his communication, expressed a deep concern about the looming cattle herders’ issue, and they returned in large numbers, which would disturb the peace of farmers.

“This time, these cattle keepers, who are accompanied by Ambororo and so on, are already posing a threat to this agriculture season,” he expressed.

Mr. Mabe also disclosed that the CES government plans to ensure that peace and tranquilly reign among cattle herders and agrarians.

The conflict between farmers and cattle herders in the Equatoria region has been dragging on for years. Several efforts by leaders to solve it have proven futile.


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