Easter Equatoria State, News

Palwar market project excites vegetable vendors

By: Ijoo Bosco


Vegetable vendors in Palwar payam of Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State are buzzing with excitement over community project to build market stall in their area.

This project is aimed at addressing a long-standing issue for the vendors, who currently sell their goods under trees, facing relocation and disruption during the rainy season.

“We haven’t had proper stalls since we started selling here under the trees,” said Mrs. Lamara Gladys, a vendor.

“After many appeals, our leaders finally heard our pleas, and now a building is finally taking shape” she expressed.

However, concerns linger about the approaching rainy season.

“We’re worried about the rain if the building isn’t finished on time,” Lamara lamented, highlighting the lack of government support despite their regular tax payments.

Mrs. Amito Jennifer Akera, the Green Market secretary, raised another challenge: a decline in maize sales due to market scarcity.

“Government partnerships to buy our produce directly would be a huge help,” she suggested, explaining the difficulties of transporting goods to Juba.

She also mentioned the burden of storing their goods in a private apartment.

For his part, Palwar Payam head chief, Mr. Oyet Thomas, acknowledged the challenges faced by the local vendors.

He explained that construction of the market stall began late last year but stalled due to poor road conditions hindering material transportation.

“With the Ayii Bridge nearing completion and the roads drying up, work will resume soon,” he assured the vendors.

Oyet confirmed that the project began after numerous complaints from vendors reached relevant authorities.

He urged the government to extend support to grassroots vendors in Palwar and praises the vendors for their perseverance despite the difficulties.


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