Easter Equatoria State, News

Magwi County leaders urged to actively participate in training sessions

Ijoo Bosco


Executive Director, Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, encourages leaders to seize training opportunities offered by the government.

Mr. Morish Ladu Wani emphasized the importance of actively participating and acquiring new knowledge for personal and professional growth.

“Silence during training isn’t beneficial,” Mr. Wani stated. “I urge regular participants to be actively engaged and inquisitive.”

A representive of South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections (SSuNDE), Mr. Oryema Emmanuel said the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing will handle issues of rights violations.

“The Commission for Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing (CTRH) will investigate documented incidents and report on conflict causes,” Emmanuel explained.

“They will also offer recommendations for victim compensation” he added.

He highlighted the CTRH’s role in protecting vulnerable groups, especially women and children, during conflicts.

The SSuNDE representative noted that victim testimonies and complaints will be documented with photographic evidence, and the commission will actively seek out victims and witnesses.

Participant Sarah expressed her appreciation for the workshop and requested more such sessions to equip leaders with valuable knowledge.

She acknowledged the event’s impact in raising awareness about past incidents, particularly the loss of life in Agoro and Panyikwara payams of Magwi county.

The workshop attracted various local leaders, including chiefs, youth representatives, women, and religious figures.


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