Easter Equatoria State, News

Poor Pupil turnout marks school opening in Magwi County

By Ijoo Bosco


Schools in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, face low pupil attendance at opening for 2024 academic year.

On the first week, while teachers reported for duty, many classrooms remained empty or sparsely filled.

The first term for all schools across the country began on February 5th and runs until May 10th, as dictated by the 2024 academic calendar.

A visit by No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper to several schools in Magwi County revealed limited turnout of learners for classes, with some schools completely deserted.

Acting Magwi County Education Director, Rev. Mark Okullo Oling said that inspection of school on February 9th, he was greeted with zero attendance in several schools in Lerwa and Lobone Payams.

He, however praised Obbo Primary School for moderate attendance in the first week, emphasizing the importance of early registration before each academic year.

Rev. Okullo urged parents in Lobone to enroll their children, expressing hope for improvement in the coming weeks.

“While the current turnout is low, I anticipate an increase next week,” said Okullo. “Many parents are facing financial difficulties, but I believe their children will eventually return.”

He attributed the low numbers to home-related challenges and some schools’ lack of awareness regarding early registration.

The county education director commended schools within Magwi County for actively starting the term while urging others in Iwire, Owiny ki bul, and Pajok to encourage student return.

Rev. Okullo concluded by urging students to “start going to school and learning immediately.”


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