Central Equatoria State, News

Soldiers arrested over Gondokoro atrocities

By Charles K Mark


At least seven army officers have been arrested for their alleged involvement in crimes committed during a disarmament exercise in Central Equatoria State last year.

Following complaints from residents, a committee led by Central Equatoria State’s Security Advisor, Angelo Daaya Ladu, was formed to investigate crimes committed during a disarmament exercise in Gondokoro and Luri Payams.

According to Ladu, approximately seven Army officials connected to the atrocities have been arrested.

The investigation focused on specific areas, namely Monanyik Monanyik Boma in Gondokoro Payam, Dijeri Boma in Luri Payam, and Ngolobor of Lodu Payam.

“When we went, we really found that there was a league of isolated issues which related to individual soldiers who have committed some bit of crime out of the law that was given to them when they were doing the disarmament,” he told this out.

During the investigation, he said it was discovered that some of the crimes involved attempted rapes in Gondokoro and Ngolobur Boma.

The individuals responsible for these atrocities were reportedly under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Ladu confirmed that most of the perpetrators had been apprehended and were currently in custody.

“I think most of them have been arrested. They have so far already been arrested and they are still under custody as I speak now. The ones (around seven) whose names I have received are already there.”





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