Easter Equatoria State, News

Ikotos residents appeal for repair of broken water systems

By Jino Wilson


Chahari Payam of Ikotos County in Eastern Equatoria State is facing a severe water shortage.

Tow motorized borehole water systems and a hand pump in the area have broken down, leaving residents in dire need of reliable water sources.

Mr. Tito Abas, Ikoto County Executive Director expressed his dismay over the crisis, particularly highlighting the risks faced by women in the community.

Abas called for urgent repairs to the water systems and the rehabilitation of broken boreholes across the Payam.

“All of us know water is life. Without water honestly, we will not do anything like cooking. So, if partners dealing with water could listen to our cry, let them help us immediately,” he appealed.

He appealed to relevant partners and organizations to respond promptly and assist in resolving the water crisis.

The executive director further stated that the availability of water is critical for basic needs such as cooking.

The lack of functioning water systems has forced residents, especially women and girls, to travel long distances in search of water.

This not only poses physical challenges but also exposes them to gender-based violence (GBV) risks.

Inure Anatasia, a resident of Chahari Payam called for immediate action to alleviate the situation.

“Both women and girls are moving long distances in quest for water, they are definitely expose to GBV-related cases,” he said.

Residents from other parts of Ikoto County, including Lotome Payam, Ramula Boma, and Chorkol, echoed similar concerns about water scarcity.

Kabaka John, the head chief of Lotome Central Payam, stressed the impact of water shortage on the community, noting that it even hindered brickmaking activities.

“I had a plan of making my bricks but I couldn’t proceed simply because of water shortage though we have one borehole which is not enough for the entire population,” he said.

He called upon organizations involved in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs to support the drilling of additional boreholes to address the pressing water scarcity issue.

Efforts were made to reach the County WASH department for comments, but they were not successful at the time of reporting.

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