Commentary, Gadgets

Just as the decree is read on state television (South Sudan Broadcasting Cooperation) sacking top government officials from their positions, the decrees cannot indicate the reasons behind the removal of the officials from their seats. The same decree sometimes appoints successors immediately or it takes time. But also, the decree recycles the same individuals in and out of office.

This seems to denote the power of lobbyists who work hard to influence decisions in their favour while looking for individuals’ development in terms of wealth or assets because things still remain the same in the aftermath of decree sackings from certain institutions.

If the reasons for the sacking are perhaps based on underperformance, then the public still sees underperformance going on. And if it is because of scandals why not prosecute them to deter anybody from committing scandals?

The decree is always receiving mixed reactions from the public and the community the sacked official hails from if removed. And the one appointed gets jubilations and appreciation from close people, while others eye the opportunity at hand.

The government needs to follow up on all the positions where people are being decreed out and get closer to know their progress of work if underperformance in the institutions is the problem. And if it is because of the scandals then we should have serious legal battles in court in the name of accountability.

There are pressing issues that require the mobilization of funds to address them, in this case, the humanitarian situations across the country to serve lives, and restore the dignity of vulnerable groups. This demands high-end good leadership with measurable performances, as such the decree should factor in performance as a criterion for selection to be decreed in. And any scandalous act of misappropriation of public funds, the decree should come and the prosecution should take charge.

The government should also remember the civil savants who are struggling with their families in this current situation that need serious attention in decision-making to look into the situation.

This situation at this time is very tough to make a decision.

The appointing authority should weigh in on performances and the elements of ensuring accountability and transparency for the decree to come in and out for appointment and removal.


God Bless South Sudan

Be right there


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