Central Equatoria State, News

Gang activities reduce in Yei-Police

By James Innocent


Yei River County in Central Equatoria State has experienced a peaceful period since beginning of the year.

The Police Inspector, Brigadier Hussein Daud Jano said that since the beginning of the year, Yei River County experiences relative peace.

He said the security situation has been excellent, with no cases of serious crimes, but minor incidents that were amicably resolved.

“Since the beginning of January since this year the police in Yei have not recorded any serious cases despite minor cases that we are able to solve with the community leaders and the Eid celebration of the Muslims has been well celebrated without any gunshots and conflict and am very excited to see that citizens are having peace in the county since I came to office,” he said.

The Police Inspector General emphasized that efforts to curb gang-related activities have yielded positive results.

Through community dialogues involving leaders and chiefs, the prevalence of gangs in the county has significantly reduced.

Jano stressed that gangs represent criminal behavior and are unacceptable in any society.

He urged young individuals to refrain from engaging in criminal activities and instead focus on education and other productive endeavors that can contribute to the well-being of their families.

Morris Lowuya, the Executive Chief of Gimunu Boma, echoed the call to young people to shun criminal activities and listen to their parents’ guidance by adhering to established rules.

“I am advising you the young people to deter from criminal activities and listen to the parents instead of joining gang groups why don’t you join agriculture and education and if anyone is doing search things like joining gang groups they will be caused,” he added.

The collective efforts of law enforcement agencies, community leaders, and parents have contributed to the prevailing peaceful environment in Yei River County.

The Police Inspector General and local leaders continue to encourage the community’s commitment to maintaining peace and fostering a safe and prosperous county for all its residents.


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