Easter Equatoria State, News

TB patients urged to keep routine

By Ijoo Bosco


Magwi County’s tuberculosis supervisor is appealing to TB-positive clients to prioritize regular follow-up visits to health facilities to effectively manage their condition and prevent the spread of the infection.

This call comes in response to a growing number of clients who have defaulted on their prescribed medication, resulting in an alarming increase in health-related illnesses within the community.

In an interview, Mr. Otim Laurence, TB County supervisor and in-charge at Magwi Primary Health Care Centre, said it is important for patients to be consistent in treatment and follow-up.

He said that a six-month treatment plan is necessary. However, there have been instances where clients fail to adhere to the prescribed regimen.

According to Otim, after a diagnosis, clients are enrolled in a six-month medication program to eradicate tuberculosis.

Unfortunately, many clients discontinue the treatment after just three months, often due to a perceived improvement in their condition. He said this premature discontinuation can have adverse consequences.

Furthermore, clients diagnosed with drug-resistant TB are required to undergo a more intensive treatment period of nine to twelve months.

However, some clients relocate to distant locations without providing updated contact information, making it exceedingly difficult to reach them and ensure their continued care.

Mr. Otim attributes the surge in TB cases to the widespread consumption of drugs that are detrimental to human health.

He said these substances weaken the immune system, leaving individuals more susceptible to infections such as tuberculosis.

The county TB supervisor strongly urges TB clients who are currently undergoing treatment to prioritize regular follow-up visits to health facilities.

He added that these visits are crucial in assessing their progress and determining if they have successfully overcome the illness.

By doing so, the risk of transmitting TB to others can be significantly reduced, as tuberculosis is an airborne disease, Otim added.


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