Easter Equatoria State, News

Former Commissioner of Magwi County gains freedom on bail

By Gladys Fred Kole


Former Commissioner of Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State has been released on bail after nearly four months under detention.

Otto David Remson and his co-accused, Oringa Daniel, were both set free on Tuesday.

Acholi community chairperson, Otim David, confirmed the release of the former commissioner, saying the community and well-wishers’ contributions to pay the charges.

“The former commissioner and Oringa are already released right now as I speak.” Otim confirmed.

According to Otim, the two were released after a negotiation by the committee that the Acholi community mandated to handle the matter.

The former commissioner was arrested following killing of two businessmen in Agoro Payam, Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, last year.

Otim said that based on the agreement reached on Saturday last week, they have paid almost three-quarters of what was demanded by the complainant, as blood compensation in accordance with Dinka customary law.

A sum of about 42,000 US dollars was paid out of the total of 55,000 USD, demanded.

“So, from there, the main complainant decided to go to the attorney, the prosecutor who was handling the file, and he decided to withdraw the case, stating that it could be handled outside the court. The Ministry of Justice wrote a letter to allow the bail,” he narrated.

He stated that the money they paid has been a generous contribution from so many people in the endeavor. It included Madi community, Acholi, and well-wishers, among others.

Meanwhile, the complainants have given the Acholi community four weeks, starting April 13th, 2024, to complete the remaining balance of 13,000 USD; for them to close the case.

The Acholi community leader further expressed some frustrations with the country’s criminal justice system.

“As a leader, I have some reservations about our criminal justice system. The criminal justice system must be implemented as it is, but we don’t respect this because a mistake happened in Acholi, but someone in Juba is picked up and put in jail; this is wrong,” David exclaimed.

He urged policymakers, legislatures, and law enforcement agencies that the justice system be corrected and preserved.

He stated that the former commissioner, Otto, is now recovering steadily from the trauma he has been put through.

Otim affirmed that, after Otto’s full recovery, he might get back to his party, SPLM, since he is a top Cadre and mobilizer, to seek another assignment, but for now he is resting and having time with his family.

“Whenever it has happened, it has already gone. The Acholi community is not part and parcel; that’s why we have contributed to this for the purpose of the restorative justice system, restoring community cohesion,” the community leader expressed.

He further stated that law enforcement agents should’ve investigated who exactly committed the crime, not just victimized a leader, and put him in prison to compel him or her to tell who committed the crime.

Furthermore, the Acholi community chairperson has appealed to the youths to desist from taking laws into their own hands in the country.

“Young people in South Sudan are appealing to you: don’t take laws into your own hands; there is a government in place. If there is any issue you would like to be solved, let us use the legal system,” he advised youths.

Meanwhile, the release of Otto has sparked jubilation in Magwi where his was a county commissioner.

According to William Owich, an editor with Voice of Freedom fm, in Magwi, the former commissioner, Otto David Remson is highly regarded by the community for his distinctive leadership qualities.

“It’s touchy to see a man of high leadership abilities incarcerated. Upon his traits, the community generously contributed for his to regain freedom,” Owich remarked.

He noted that besides being influential, former commissioners is also inspirational to the youth due to his humble lifestyle.



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