Central Equatoria State, News

Yei teenager released after detention over filming governor’s convoy

James Innocent


A 15-year-old boy, detained by military for filming Central Equatoria State Governor’s convoy with his phone in Yei town, has been released.

Charles Lokwen, who has been in detention since governor, Emmanuel Adil Anthony visited Yei on 10th April 10, was release after an apology.

Authorities claim Lokwen filmed the convoy without permission, raising security concerns that prompted his arrest for questioning, dispelling rumors about the incident.

According to director of military intelligence in Yei River County, Col. Kawac Gual, the teenager’s release followed his request for forgiveness.

Col. Kwawac emphasized the importance of parental responsibility in following up on detained children.

He further clarified the role of the joint operation in Yei, which involves police, wildlife officers, military police, and others, is to ensure civilians’ safety.

Lokwen apologized to Yei authorities for filming the convoy without permission.

“I am really sorry for what I did. I won’t take pictures of people without permission again,” Lokwen said upon his release.

The young boy noted that he wasn’t harmed while in detention and advised his friends to seek journalistic ethics training before filming public figures.

Lokwen’s parents, James Chol (father) and Farida Tabu (mother), expressed relief at their son’s release.

Chol, a military officer, acknowledged his son’s mistake and appreciated the security personnel’s proper conduct, urging others to avoid taking unauthorized photos in public.

For her part, Tabu apologized for her son’s actions and thanked security for his safe release.




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