Easter Equatoria State, News

Lobong orders Torit market renovation

By Ijoo Bosco


Eastern Equatoria State government has issued a one-month ultimatum for businesses in Torit town to renovate or rebuild their shops along Juba highway.

Oringa John Geoffrey, the Press Secretary in the office of Governor, Louis Lobong Lojore explained the initiative.

“Governor Louis Lobong Lojore met with the business community regarding the poor condition of shops in Torit,” Oringa said. “The Governor has ordered all shop owners to renovate within one month.”

The Governor cited outdated iron sheets and a general lack of upkeep as reasons for the renovation requirement.

“These shops haven’t been renovated since the liberation,” Oringa remarked.

Lobong emphasized specific improvements in the market structures such as replacing rusted iron sheets, installing lights for security and better visibility during night security patrols

Extended Business Hours

The Governor also announced extended business hours: “Traders in Torit can now operate until 10:00 pm to cater to late-arriving travellers,” Lobong’s mouthpiece stated.

The Governor seeks cooperation from both residents and businesses in Torit town.

“Let’s work together to beautify Torit and attract investors,” Oringa stated. “We need permanent structures to accommodate businesses, hotels, and lodging.”

This government initiative aims to improve the appearance of Torit municipality, enhance security, and create a more attractive environment for investors.


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