Central Equatoria State, National, News

Communities call for partners to support development initiatives

By James Innocent


Communities in Greater Yei have called on partners to support development initiative in the four counties.

The call came during one-day Durable Solution Workshop organized by International Organization for Migration (IOM), in Yei town.

Bombe Joseph, an official with international Organization (IOM) said Durable Solution project is supported by Multi Donor trust fund.

According to Bombe, the workshop focused on issues concerning returnees, refugees and displaced persons.

Participants of the workshop enlisted challenges facing the citizens, drawing a resolution to address the issues, which among others, called on partners’ support.

The IOM officer said that the Durable Solution workshop seeks to address issue of people forced by conflicts and have returned to the greater Yei.

Yei River County commissioner, Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa applauded International Organization for Migration and other partners for their support to rebuild the community.

Kanyikwa also urged leaders of the four counties to ensure delivering services to the citizens.

Meanwhile, Lainya County Paramount Chief, Matthew Ladu James appreciated participation in the workshop to offer solutions.

“It’s very important for all the four counties of greater Yei to give a durable solution to the returnees and the refugees from Uganda,” he remarked.

Ladu encouraged citizens and leaders to work for peace and unity so that they overcome the challenges facing the people of the four counties.

He called for respect to the returnees because they are coming voluntarily home.

The workshop targeted communities to support social cohesion and promote stabilization between political dived communities as well as between returnees and host communities.

The project aims to create a conducive environment for civilians by engaging armed actors by supporting community policing.

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