Central Equatoria State, National, News

Women groups receive USD 30,000 for business

By Kidega Livingstone


At least 118 women from different Payams in Juba County have received a cheque worth thirty thousand US dollars (USD 30,000) following the completion of the Business Entrepreneurship course.

The ten groups of women from Rajaf East Payam, Luri Payam, Munuki Payam, and Rajaf Central Payams who underwent three months of training in business entrepreneurship have received funding from the Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) to launch their businesses.

Speaking during the graduation ceremony yesterday, State Minister of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare Huda Michael Laila said empowering women for the nation’s development is important, as they are the backbone of every family.

She highlighted the fact that a significant number of girls drop out of school due to insecurity and underdevelopment in the country.

“I want to praise Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) for the initiative because training women in business is very important because they are the engine of the family,” she emphasized.

Adding, “The money given to you to start the business is not misused for buying clothes; use it for your business; that will be your income for sending your children to school and feeding, she advised.

Meanwhile, Deputy Training Manager for Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI), Gama Hassan described the business as “excitement and dangerous” activity that can cause divorce among the married couple if it’s misused.

“Let your husbands know the business you are doing and the location as well as the profit, and let him be part of it so that the business can run smoothly because it’s for your family, he advised.

He advised the women leaders in each of the groups to be transparent and open doors for the members by borrowing the money and paying it back to continue running the business among the members.

Kuchburo Mayik, one of the beneficiaries, said that the knowledge they have gained will be transferred to other women who lack business skills so that they will be able to run their businesses while helping their families.

“We have been trained that the money we get from the business is not going to be for ourselves but for the children, including children of the neighbourhood.

Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) was founded in 2012 by artist, social activist, and UNESCO Special Envoy for Peace and Reconciliation Forest Whitaker.

It aims to promote the values of peace, reconciliation, and social development within communities impacted by conflict and violence.


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