Central Equatoria State, National, News

Lainya commissioner orders review of financial records, assets

By Bosco Bush


The newly appointed Commissioner of Lainya County, Robert John Morris, has established a committee to investigate and review the financial and asset records of the county.

In a local Order No. 01/2024 issued on August 30, Morris formed a five-member committee, chaired by Mr. Alex Lemi Wana, to review financial records, approved budgets, and the disposal of government assets.

“This Order shall be cited as Local Order No. 1/2024, aimed at examining financial records, approved budgets, and assessing all disposals of government assets,” the order states.

The committee is also tasked with identifying revenue sources, available investment projects, financial systems, and bank accounts. It is further required to gather all legal documents related to contracts, permits, licenses, and available assets.

The committee has been directed to conduct its work confidentially and is required to submit its findings to the Commissioner’s office within 14 days.

This came after Central Equatoria State Governor, Augustino Jadalla Wani also carried out the same exercise reviewing the state assets and financial records.



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