OpEd, Politics

How many sponges do you need to soak up the president’s tears?

Every president begins and ends his day with regrets, of things they have never done yesterday and mistakes they have made today. 

Most presidents make and end people’s lives by choice and sometimes by accident, especially when they want to stay long in power.  This does not mean that every president is bad. There are good ones too.

Our president is one of those good guys, the problem is that he doesn’t know that he is a good man and that is why he is not doing well. He is only bad because he doesn’t know you exist but he is good to those around him, his fair-weather friends.  These guys must praise him for putting food on their tables and sending their children to good schools abroad.  They like it more when your children struggle at the only public university to get where to sit for lectures.

They are even happy when classes are suspended because the school can’t pay its lecturers.  You know what that means? It is “us versus them.” The system wants you and your generation to always be miserable.

The country is too small for everyone to be happy. If you need to be happy, you can buy local brews (Konyi-mur)  and dance the whole day until you are tired. This explains why the country produces more alcohol than food because the younger population wants to be happy but that happiness is always short-lived. The country’s VIPs want their people to be happy for hours before they are back to reality.

These men who distribute happiness and misery know when to give and when to take. They give you nothing but time to hate everything about yourself, your community and even some of your relatives. In fact, they own everything including roads and public offices. You can see how they drive on the roads as if they own them. Everyone should be small because they are the big ones.   There are high chance that people can be stubborn if there is equality. It won’t happen in their times.

For these bad guys, the VIPs of this country have every right to enjoy, maybe because they don’t have any time left. The rest can wait for the children of the big men to have their share too. It is a crime for the common men to dream big or to want better services for themselves and their children.

Don’t blame anyone.  Maybe we didn’t have it right in the beginning. First, the president was just a young man in his youth. If there are people who can’t trace his educational background to the right university, that person should know that Mr. President spent his youthful years, in the bush, with his AK47.

You know all the reasons to have a country where anyone can go to bed naked and wake up the same, with no fear of an enemy. If the youthful president of the 1980s meets the president of 2024, they will never greet themselves and if the security organs are not careful enough, they may beat themselves up.  This is because the president of the 80s had a vision and had promised with his life never to deviate from it. He had lived by it for years and sacrificed everything just to see it work. To this day, the president still believes that he is living by it and that he has achieved most of his goals.

The truth is, the people who work with the president don’t tell him the truth. The president doesn’t know anything about realities on the ground.  He actually thinks everyone is doing well because he has people employed to read the news for him. They tell him all the good things they see in neighbouring countries and even appreciate the president for building good schools, hospitals and good roads.

They even tell him the country is one of the few countries in the world with happy people. When the president hears this, he tries his best to remain in power to do more for his people because whenever the president thinks about leaving power for others, they tell him that nobody will ever do better than him and that his shoes are too big for anyone to fill.  You know why he keeps changing his men; it is when they are not doing well. He wants those who share the vision with him but can’t find them.

As long as these people live around and with the president, they will even tell him if they have not that the president is the second person to God. But the time will come when the president will know the truth. It is going to be the first time for him to shed tears for all the mess. It would be an opportunity for others to wipe his tears and get paid for it.  If he decides, he can punish everyone for making him cry for no reason. But he will never do that. He is a good man, calm and good-hearted. Peace.



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