
Education Ministry urges partners to prioritize menstrual health

By Emelda Siama John Lopula Ministry of General Education and Instruction has urged the development partners to integrate menstrual health into their programs. As a development partners focus on climate change, humanitarian responses, mental health interventions, livelihood programs, health programs, and agriculture among others menstrual health is left unattended. The[Read More…]

Gov’t approves $5.5m for ministry of wildlife

By William Madouk South Sudan ministerial economic cluster on Wednesday approved an amount of US$5.5 million for reconstruction of Wildlife, Conservation, and Tourism, ministry’s building. Minister of Wildlife, Mr. Rizik Hassan Zakaria, on Wednesday presented a budgetary report on the completion of the ministry’s building, adding that there are only[Read More…]

World Bank unveils $ 70m for women empowerment

By Emelda Siama John Lopula World Bank has approved $70 million International Development Association (IDA) grant to boost social and economic empowerment for women in South Sudan. The four-year project, dubbed “South Sudan Women Social and Economic Empowerment Project” (SSWSEEP), aims to support female entrepreneurs in formalizing and scaling up[Read More…]

Juba Traders lose over 100m SSP in power-cuts

By Ephraim Modi Duku Sokiri Central Equatoria State Chamber of Commerce estimates traders incur losses of over 100 million South Sudanese Pounds (SSP), due to irregular power supply in South Sudan city, Juba.   The Chamber of commerce holds power supplier, Juba Electricity Distribution Company Limited [JEDCO], responsible for the loss. Chairperson of Central[Read More…]

Starford University graduates over 300 students

By William Madouk At least 367 students, on Saturday, graduated from Starford International University, South Sudan in various fields of study. The grandaunts were from fields of Computer sciences, Law, economics, management and school of journalism among others. They were awarded with diplomas and bachelor’s degrees during the third convocation that[Read More…]