Upper Nile State

South Sudan faces new influx frontier

  Yien Gattuor Mead Kuich South Sudan’s Upper Nile state faces more new frontier of hunger-stricken refugees and returnees from Ethiopia amidst the continued Sudan influx. According to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper’s reporter, Longchuk County of Upper Nile State faces challenges of more than 7,000 South Sudanese returnees in dire[Read More…]

Measles kills 10 in Longchuk County

By Yien Gattour Health authorities in  Longchuk County have confirmed 19 deaths and 249 cases of measles following an outbreak in Upper Nile State. The Longchuk County Health Director General, Gatkuoth Nuer told the No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper on Tuesday that the cases were reported in the second week[Read More…]