
Electricity kills man in Warrap

By Hou Akot Hou   A 25-year-old man was electrocuted and killed on the spot at Akon payam in Gogrial West County, Warrap State on Thursday. The victim, identified as Deng Chan, was a trader who sold phones and SIM cards. He reportedly climbed on the roof of his tukul[Read More…]

Police detains 11 over violence

By Hou Akot Hou   Police in Twic County in Warrap state, have detained 11 young men accused of involvement in a violent altercation over the weekend. According to authorities, the group of youths engaged in a physical fight at the Nyin-deng Ayuel checkpoint, resulting in one individual sustaining a[Read More…]

Three killed in Cueibet

By Yang Ater Yang   Three cattle owners were killed on Wednesday in Lakes State by cattle raiders allegedly from Tonj County, Warrap State. The attack took place at Adong cattle camp in Tiaptiap Payam, Cueibet County. Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac, confirmed the incident, stating that[Read More…]

Eleven died in cattle raid

By Hou Akot Hou   At least eleven people are confirmed dead following a cattle raid incident in Gogrial East County, Warrap State bordering Unity State, over the weekend. According to Maluach Lueth, commissioner of Gogrial East County, armed men believed to be from Mayom County attacked Awoyic village on[Read More…]

Meningitis surges in Warrap

By Hou Akot Hou   Health authorities in Twic County, Warrap State, are deeply concerned about the increasing number of meningitis cases, which have tragically resulted in the deaths of both adults and children. The severity of the situation has prompted calls for immediate intervention to contain the spread of[Read More…]

Woman showers hubby with hot porridge

By Hou Akot Hou   A man is being nursed at the Aweng Primary Health Care Centre in Twich Payam, Warrap State, after his wife, on Thursday, poured hot porridge on his body. The 43-year-old man, identified as Ayii Deng Ayii said the incidence happened following an argument on domestic[Read More…]

Warrap pools funds for development

By William Madouk   The organizing committee has revealed that $1.2 Million and over 200 million South Sudanese Pounds have been raised in a fundraising drive held over the weekend to support Warrap State’s agricultural initiatives. The fundraising function was graced by the vice president for the service cluster, Hussein[Read More…]

Abducted Twic women freed

By Deng Athian   Three women from Twic County, Warrap State, abducted by armed youth from neighboring Abyei have been released by their captives. On January 14, 2024, three women were abducted in the Anyiel Kuac area of Twic County, Warrap State, by suspected Abyei armed youth, and a young[Read More…]

Kuajok, Wau to deploy deterrence force

By Hou Akot Hou   Governments of Warrap and Western Bahr El Ghazal states have resolved to deploy security forces in their contested border areas at Thar-kueng and Marial-baai. Forces deployment is meant to deter further inter-communal attacks between the two antagonistic neighboring communities living along the highly contested border[Read More…]

Two ARC staff dead in crash

By Hou Akot Hou   A Land Cruiser pickup vehicle belonging to the Africa Resource Corporation (ARC) Company crashed dead two of the company’s employees at Akon in Gogrial West County, Warrap State. The incident occurred on Monday, October 30, 2023. According to eyewitness accounts, the vehicle collided with a[Read More…]