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South Sudan’s Failure to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women is a Violation of the Maputo Protocol

By Gama Hassan Oscas   In the realm of international human rights, the Maputo Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa stands as a beacon of hope and a strong commitment to the elimination of discrimination against women. This crucial[Read More…]

South Sudan’s Land Ownership Shift: Analyzing the Government’s Transition from “Land Belongs to the Community” to “Land Belongs to the People”

By Gama Hassan Oscas The Republic of South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, has undergone significant political and policy changes since its independence in 2011. One such change is the shift in land ownership rhetoric from “land belongs to the community” to “land belongs to the people.” This transition, which[Read More…]

The efficacy of enacting laws in South Sudan: An analysis of the gap between Legislation and Implementation

By Gama Hassan Oscas In the realm of legal and human rights discourse, South Sudan has long stood as a case study in the challenges of enacting laws to protect human rights and prevent crimes. The nation, which gained independence in 2011, has faced numerous struggles and conflicts since its[Read More…]

South Sudan’s Land Policy Controversy: A Threat to Community Rights and a License for Land Grabbers

By Gama Hassan Oscas The recent decision by the South Sudan cabinet to declare that “land belongs to the people of South Sudan” has sent shockwaves across the nation, shaking the very foundations of land ownership rights. This seismic shift from the earlier constitutional provision that land belongs to the[Read More…]