National, News

SPLM paints Yei red

By James Innocent and Bida Elly David


The Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Central Equatoria State painted Freedom Square in Yei River County red, on Saturday in a mini rally to express their support for President Kiir’s endorsement for the presidency in the upcoming 2024 elections.

The SPLM party leadership called upon the people of Yei River County to prioritize peace and unity as they anticipate President Kiir’s endorsement for the presidency.

The call for support came during a visit from the party leadership, who were participating in a cultural initiative organized by the Governor of Central Equatoria State.

Representing Governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony, the State SPLM Deputy Chairperson, Cde. Clement Kulang Gai, urged party members to rally behind President Kiir as the sole presidential candidate for the 2024 general elections, emphasizing the importance of lasting peace in the country.

“We need to embrace peace, unity, and rally behind the candidature of H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit as the sole presidential flag-bearer for the 2024 general elections,” Gai told the rally.

Gai also stressed the need for party members to reject violence and tribalism, as such behaviours hinder the development of the county and the nation as a whole.

Commissioner Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa of Yei River County echoed the message of peaceful progress, highlighting that 2024 holds the potential for positive change for the people of Yei and South Sudan as a whole.

Meanwhile, Juma David Juma Agustin a senior SPLM member expressed his appreciation to the organizing committee of the SPLM for their steadfastness in hosting a remarkable cultural competition that captivated the entire population of Yei River County.

The event created a vibrant atmosphere within the town of Yei, often referred to as the “Small London,” and Mr. Agustin commended the enthusiastic participation of the youth in the competition.

Lona Sadiya Antony, the Member of Parliament representing Yei River County in the state parliament, was selected as the chief judge of the cultural competition held at Yei Freedom Square.

Yei River County was recognized by the state high-level preparatory committee for the endorsement rally as one of the top performers in the recently concluded cultural gala, which saw participation from 15 traditional groups.

The rally brought thousands of SPLM members gathered at Yei Freedom Square for the cultural gala.

The event was attended by senior SPLM cadres from the executive and legislative branches, women, youth, and other party structures representing the entire state.

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