
Police detain three protesting students

By Chol Makol Riak At least three protesting students from Dr. John Garang Memorial University have been detained by the police on Tuesday. Early this month, the university’s administration ordered some of the students to repeat the same classes, an order which led to protest where the students closed the[Read More…]

Water shortage hits Bentiu PoC

Yien Gattuor mead  At least 107,000 people in Bentiu Protection of Civilians sites are facing severe water shortage. The sector one leader in Bentiu IDP Camp Changkuoth Tot Deng said the people are suffering from the issue of water while there’s no water. “The humanitarians who supported us told us[Read More…]

Peace body blames SPLA-IO for recent violence

By Taban Henry The peace monitoring body-Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) has blamed the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) for the recent violence in Turu of Upper Nile state. Clashes between rival factions within the SPLA-IO in Magenis, Upper Nile state resulted in unconfirmed[Read More…]

Fake claims headache to finance Minister

By Philip Buda Ladu The Minister of Finance and Planning Agak Achuil Lual has revealed that fake financial claims are the most chaotic scenarios giving him headache as people flock to the ministry claiming payment for forged medical referrals and nonexistent contracts payments. The minister made the revelation while speaking[Read More…]