Upper Nile State

Returnees in dire situation

By Manas James Thousands of returnees who are seeking shelter in parts of Upper Nile State following the war in Sudan remain in dire need of humanitarian aid, local officials said. Malakal town and Renk in Upper Nile State have been home to returnees and refugees since war broke out[Read More…]

Gov’t rubbishes reports of attacks

By Manas James Upper Nile State government has dismissed reports alleging that there is an ongoing mobilization to attack the state capital, Malakal town. Last week, the Troika expressed deep concern regarding reports of an escalating mobilization of armed groups in Upper Nile State, particularly in Malakal Protection of Civilians[Read More…]

Upper Nile clashes call for probe

By Manas James Longechuk County commissioner, in Upper Nile State called on peace monitors to investigate last week’s clashes involving elements from SSPDF and SPLA-IO in Mathiang town. At least 3 people were killed, and seven others injured when some members of SSPDF and SPLA-IO clashed in the county headquarters[Read More…]

Gov’t beefs Malakal security

By Manas James Authorities in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State capital, Malakal, have beefed up security and imposed a night curfew. Social gatherings are also banned as tensions remain high following a renewed inter-communal violence among people in Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites. Violence erupted in the Malakal Protection of[Read More…]

Malakal violence claims 13 lives

By Manas James At least 13 people have been confirmed dead and 21 others injured in inter-communal violence within the Protection of Civilians site (PoC) in Malakal town, Upper Nile state. The clashes which started on Wednesday evening continued until Thursday an only stopped after the police intervened. Acceding to[Read More…]