Columnists, Gadgets, NATION TALK

Teachers in South Sudan endure significant hardships due to delayed and insufficient salary payments, which has detrimental effects on the country’s education system.

Ensuring timely and adequate compensation for teachers is crucial for the future of education in South Sudan. Teachers must receive their salaries as stipulated by the law, ideally every month, along with other necessary benefits. Additionally, providing teachers with essential teaching materials, such as textbooks and resources, is essential to deliver quality education and improve student performance.

Teachers play a vital role in any country, and South Sudan is no exception. They are the backbone of education, shaping future leaders, doctors, directors, ambassadors, and professionals in various fields.

However, it is disheartening to see that in South Sudan, teachers are often overlooked and their contributions undervalued. In contrast, neighbouring countries in East Africa prioritize timely salary payments for teachers, recognizing their significance in nation-building.

It is concerning that many leaders in South Sudan send their children abroad for better education. If even foreign governments prioritize investing in education, South Sudan should follow suit to prevent a situation where the country relies on neighbouring nations for schooling.

For example, like now teachers in Northern Bahr el Ghazel State were paid only 5000SSP after a 400% increment, and they were to resume work this February

It is important to note that motivated and well-compensated teachers can positively impact education, fostering a generation of capable individuals who can contribute to the country’s development.

Regrettably, South Sudan has experienced instances where teachers, including university professors, have gone on strike due to unpaid salaries. Teachers often face delays of three to six months before receiving their wages, sometimes resorting to abandoning their teaching duties to draw attention to their plight.

The Ministry of Education should prioritize understanding and addressing the challenges faced by teachers across the country, rather than focusing solely on their own interests. Consequently, government schools suffer from poor performance compared to private schools, highlighting the need for urgent action.

To improve the education system in South Sudan, the government must increase teachers’ salaries and ensure regular monthly payments. By doing so, South Sudan can become a desirable destination for learning, attracting students from foreign countries.

The government needs to recognize the importance of teachers and prioritize their welfare. Addressing the issue of delayed salaries is a fundamental step towards building a brighter future for South Sudan, free from corruption and characterized by a flourishing education system.

In conclusion, the challenges faced by teachers in South Sudan, including unpaid salaries and delayed payments, have severe implications for the country’s education system.

Urgent measures must be taken to rectify this situation, such as increasing teachers’ salaries, providing timely payments, and ensuring the availability of necessary resources.

The delay in teachers’ salaries is like keeping a dark country.

God Bless South Sudan.



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