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Farmers-Herders Conflict in Equatoria Region Needs a Mutual Satisfactory Solution

By Esther Aurelio Agira Lohutuhureng Conflicts over control of land and water resources between farmers and pastoralists are common in farming areas. Farmers grow crops as a source of income as well as food security for themselves. They grow sorghum, maize, millet, vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cassava. Some of[Read More…]

Agriculture Sector Development; a Key to Mitigating Dollar Crisis in South Sudan

By Peter Gai Panchol I firmly believe that developing South Sudan’s agricultural sector is critical to promoting sustainable development and food security in the country. South Sudan is currently facing a severe dollar crisis that has brought significant economic challenges to the country. To mitigate the negative impact of this[Read More…]

Apuk-Padoc is bleeding

By Tong Akok Anei Mawien During our struggle with the Sudan government, our belief was that no Janja-weed (marr’am) or whatever would come again and take the lives of vulnerable citizens; no more bombardment of unarmed civilians in their peaceful areas; that was the dream of every child who experiences[Read More…]