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2024 elections Logjam

By James Aniceto Batikayo   In view of the fact that the transition to the General Elections 2024 is ending, despite the so-called Road Map extension, the preparations underway for the elections are still incomplete and inadequate. According to our research, there is no need for further extension of the[Read More…]

Life is two things in one

By Steady Ayuen   Everything in this world is in pairs; when you choose to do good to yourself and the people around you, it will surely turn around. As an American proverb states, “What goes around comes around.” Nobody has ever lived life to the fullest because we do[Read More…]

Every dog has its day

It may look like you have conquered the world, but you have not. Even if you have conquered the world, you cannot conquer it forever. You conquer the world today and someone else conquers it tomorrow. That is why it is advisable that when the world is under your conquest,[Read More…]

Did I hear you correctly?

I heard you saying that it is none of your business whether youth get empowered or not. Which society can live without young people? Do you forget that the population of young people is bigger than the population of the elderly? I don’t think you mean it. Young people are[Read More…]