
Nation Talks

Has the UNHCR failed to pay money to Ugandan Government or what? By Kiden Stela Mandela The flag of South Sudan (C) started flying at the UN after the United Nations General Assembly voted on South Sudan’s Membership to the United Nations at the UN headquarters in New York, July[Read More…]


FORMER PRESIDENT KIBAKI, THE MAN OF PEACE Death has yet robbed Africa of one of its greatest heroes, the Former President of Kenya Mwai Kibaki who died at the age of 90. Kibaki lived a dedicated life of public service and accomplished so much for his country. He deeply cherished[Read More…]

Four dead in Nimule fresh cattle raid

By Adia Jildo Four cattle herders have been killed in Jelei, Nimule after cattle raiders attacked a cattle camp raiding over 700 cattle, Friday. Maxwell Youssef, the Executive Director of Nimule payam said cattle raiders who had attacked the cattle camp in Jelei were unknown hence information about where they[Read More…]


HAPPY EARTH DAY SOUTH SUDAN! Those who are unaware of what day this is, its importance and why it is celebrated yearly should grab themselves a copy of today’s newspaper. Earth day is celebrated on the 22nd of April of every year globally. According to those who commemorate it, it[Read More…]

Legislators empowered to champion IDPs rights

By Philip Buda Ladu The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in partnership with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management has empowered lawmakers at the Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA) on championing the rights of displaced persons and Stateless populations. UNHCR and the Ministry of Humanitarian[Read More…]


What comes and goes with the rainy season By Milly Bayi Nyuga Rains in Juba that had kept most people on their toes are now finally pouring. While this is great news to crop growers, it could be a time to worry for others, who are the business owners. For[Read More…]