
NRA targets tax institute to increase non-oil revenue

By William Madouk National Revenue Authority asked for the speedy construction of a tax administration institute to build staff capacity to increase non-oil revenue collection in the country. Commissioner-General of the National Revenue Authority, Athian Ding Athian made the appeal during an inspection visit to South Sudan Tax Administration Institute.[Read More…]

Parties playing games on peace deal-activist

By Bida Elly David A civil society activist has described the snail-pace implementation of the revitalized peace agreement, especially the transitional security arrangements provisions that are far behind schedule. Edmund Yakani, the executive director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), said the political game played by parties continues[Read More…]

Professor criticizes South Sudan’s weak education system

By Bida Elly David Vice Chancellor of Bahr-El-Ghazal University has slammed South Sudan government over poor education system in the country. Professor, Victor Loku Kwajok said most students with high school grades suffer serious challenges in higher institutions of learning. The vice chancellor was speaking during the declaration of Certificate[Read More…]


 What are the achievements, challenges, and way forward? By Victor Dodo The Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly was reconstituted in 2021 as per the Agreement on the Resolution of the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. Membership of the National Legislative Assembly was expanded from 400-550, with SPLM-IG bagging[Read More…]