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Why LGBTQI+ right (s) continues to face stiff opposition in Africa?

By Chol Peter Majoh Almost all African Countries are resistant to LGBTQI+ rights for a number of different reasons, including religion, tradition, and culture. Uganda, the leader among the anti-LGBTQI+ Countries, has recently strengthened her anti-LGBTQI+ law and pointed her finger at the West for enforcing the law. “The Ugandan[Read More…]

Analyzing the Importance of Effective Electoral Laws in Ensuring Democratic Processes

By Gama Hassan Oscas Effective electoral laws play a pivotal role in shaping the democratic processes of a nation. They establish the rules and regulations governing elections, ensuring transparency, fairness, and inclusivity. By guaranteeing the rights of citizens to participate in the political system, effective electoral laws foster public trust[Read More…]

The Crucial Role of Effective Electoral Laws in Building a Post-Conflict Nation: A Case Study of South Sudan

By Gama Hassan Oscas South Sudan, a nation emerging from a long and devastating conflict, faces numerous challenges as it strives to establish a stable and inclusive political system. In such circumstances, the effectiveness of electoral laws becomes paramount in shaping the democratic trajectory of the nation. This political opinion[Read More…]

Who is an SPLM member?

By Joseph Ring Lang The origin As the year 2022 comes to an end, one debate kept on haunting me. It was a debate that occurred between the SPLMS (SPLM-IG in the Government), SPLM-IO (in Opposition), and SPLM-FDs (Former detainees). It thus transpires that SPLM-IG made changes in the leadership[Read More…]

The Crucial Role of Democratic Space in South Sudan: Empowering Political Parties for Societal Transformation

By Hassan Gama Oscars In the context of South Sudan, a nation that has endured long-standing conflicts and political instability, the significance of a robust democratic space cannot be overstated. As we approach the eagerly anticipated elections in 2024, it is imperative that we recognize and uphold the vital importance[Read More…]