
Clean energy cooking stoves are a game-changer for St. Magdalen Primary School

By Kei Emmanuel Duku   As a measure to curb deforestation and reduce use of wood fuel, the administration of St. Magdalen Primary School has adopted clean-energy cooking stoves. According to Sr. Mary Nkatha Jenario, a Head Teacher at St. Magdalen Primary School in Kapoeta North County, East Equatoria State,[Read More…]

How lavish spending hampers South Sudan’s peace process

By staff writer   The implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) continues to face significant hurdles, primarily due to the mismanagement of funds allocated for peace-building and institutional development. Despite repeated extensions of the transitional period, critical institutions such as the[Read More…]

Church leaders reject same sex marriage

By William Madouk Garang Proposed same sex-marriage law adopted by some churches has been categorically rejected by the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA). Bishop Justin Badi, the Primate of Episcopal Church of South Sudan said they have refused to sign gay-marriage[Read More…]


Mushrooms in marshland By Hon. James Ayiek Bath Acuoth Former Minister of Information Defunct Tonj It is home to escaped convicts, it is inhibited by the unclean wild, the mushrooms hunters are queued in the marshland. Its delicacy and demand is equivocally trending, the production is tedious, and it is[Read More…]