
Gratitude to His Holiness Pope Francis and the other holy duo of God for the unforgettable historic visit to South Sudan

By Eng. Michael Wetnhialic Maluil, an Activist – Reachable at loikubai2020@gmail.com and WhatsApp at +211917771111 As all South Sudanese Christians and Christians worldwide warmly welcomed and celebrated His Holiness Pope Francis’ Visits to Africa along with his two other powerful Men of God, Rev. Dr. Justin Welby, the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury,[Read More…]

Choose legacy or a lifetime of regret On July 3, 2013, Egypt’s ex-president Mohammed Morsi was ousted by the army, following a turbulent year in office marked by widespread protests and human rights violations and jailed for 20 years in one of the poorest prisons in Cairo with labor and[Read More…]

SPLA-IO and SSPDF forces exchange blames

By Tereza Jeremiah Chuei The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army in Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) military spokesperson Col. Lam Paul Gabriel has accused some elements within South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) of creating problems in order for peace not to prevail, with the aim of benefiting from the conflict. This came following[Read More…]

FIFA kicks off certification of ‘Juba National Stadium’ standard

By Bida Elly David The South Sudan Football Association has started certification of the new-faced Juba National Football Stadium that’s being transformed through FIFA grant aimed at pushing it to meet international standard. The certification process started earlier this week following the visit of an expert contracted by the Federation[Read More…]