
Bishops decry insecurity, sick economy

By William Madouk South Sudanese Catholic Bishops have decried rampant insecurity and a dwindling country’s economy. The clerics said the government’s failure to tackle insecurity led to hardship, poverty, and despair. “The country is unable to manage the national economy, and this is leading to hardship, poverty, and despair, as[Read More…]

Troika warns of stalling peace deal

By Gladys Fred Kole Troika countries, the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Norway are concerned over lack of seriousness in South Sudan’s unity government to expedite implementation of revitalized peace. The members raised their concerns a meeting where the US Department of State hosted Norwegian and the UK[Read More…]

Fuel pumps banned near homes

By William Madouk National fire brigade and Bureau of Standards have reportedly formed a joint committee to probe petrol stations adjacent to residential areas. As fuel trade is a lucrative business, several investors have immensely embraced the sector, to the extent of scattering filling stations all over Juba: with some[Read More…]

Bureau of Standards inks deal for mandatory car inspections

By William Madouk National Bureau of Standards and Japanese private firm, East Africa Automobile (EAA), have struck a deal for mandatory motor vehicle and spare parts inspections before entering the country. The 5-years contract entails provision of services for pre-shipment verification of product conformity with the standards of all motor[Read More…]