
8 ways to be a great Dad

By Elizabeth Anyieth Mayen They say any man can father a child, but it takes a real man to be a dad. While it is a blessing to be a dad, there are many men who take this noble responsibility for granted, being a great dad is all about finding[Read More…]

Africa sucked dry

By Ngor Khot Garang In the past fifty years, more than $1 trillion in development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa. In reversal, more than $1 trillion has also left Africa. This foreign aid came with many problems. The question a young man would ask is, has[Read More…]

Speech by your enemy on your funeral rite

By Malek Arol DhieuWhen the news of your passing on finds your enemy amidst people, crocodile tears flow down his cheek, but deep down his heart, he is laughing satanically. 30 minutes later, he would flood his Facebook wall with nice words describing the deceased as irreplaceable, rare personality, generous,[Read More…]

No amount of shouting can stop corruption

By Malek Arol Dhieu The only pandemic which is not attended to is corruption. The World Health Organisation should produce a vaccine against corruption and the International Criminal Court endorses it. Wars are fought and are brought to an end, but the war of corruption is unending. Anti-corruption commissions and[Read More…]

Nothing lasts forever!

By Malek Arol Dhieu Metals rust, giants fall, beauties fade, riches escape, so whoever thinks he/she will remain what and who he/she is for the next one hundred years is a nominated liar for 2080’s Lying Competition.However much you are immune, there is that time you become weak to succumb[Read More…]