
By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest writer) South Sudan towns are awash with street children due to varied factors. As some are abandoned by their families, others become homeless on personal interests, and those robbed of parents by the ugly act of death. In other countries, street children get a home[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban Many in leadership fail to achieve their goals due to fear of labeling and life threats by crafty cartels. The sly architects use blackmailing and cheap popularity as a ploy to ensnare and scare those opposed to their ill objectives. Many patriotic leaders conceive good developmental[Read More…]

A parent, who attacked teachers apologizing, is a positive move the community should embrace. Such acts are not only beneficial to the two parties but also a constructive lesson to the community and pupils. First, it helps to repair the relationship between the parent and the teachers and shows respect[Read More…]

The Russia-Africa summit saw many African leaders flock to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin. The summit as designed, painted the Russian leader as a player on the continent. However, the summit’s turn up by the African leaders appeared to be very low compared with the previous one and mostly[Read More…]

Sudan is a country where the entire world is yearning for calmness and peace to return. But not where other leaders want to take it as an opportunity for promotion on the battlefield. This is the time for the Mediation team leaders to focus on strategies for reconciliation and conflict[Read More…]

By forming a joint committee involving Water Tankers Association and South Sudan Urban Water Corporation, Central Equatoria State government has now taken the right step. This is something that would have been done in the first place, before passing through tribulations and citizens throwing their animosity on the acting mayor.[Read More…]

Identifying a problem is half its solution and there by the National Legislative Assembly Speaker and others acknowledging challenges in implementation revitalized peace agreement, we are on track. A car that harries or moves on high speed may end up by the roadside. Lucky occupants of such a car find[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest writer) South Sudan’s Heritages sites, with innumerable economic values that have been destroyed in the protracted civil war and others occupied for different purposes or neglected need restoration. Stabilizing the sites and also establishing new ones that can create employment opportunities for the communities, rather[Read More…]

Today marks the third year after the birth of No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, the print media house operated by young competent staff with the vision to be providers of information that fosters growth and development in all aspects. No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper is a South Sudanese Print Media Company[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban South Sudanese celebrated their independence anniversary in various places with state leaders, such as Governors while others were joined by their ambassadors to foreign countries. It brought in a cordial interaction between leaders and the communities that they serve. Its pleasure for all the citizens in[Read More…]

Coincident is no sufficient a word to view what Pope Francis has done. Analysts would substantiate it as a deliberate ember to conciliate South Sudan with a gift of a Cardinal for its independence anniversary. On 9th July 2011, South Sudan attained independence from the Khartoum government of Sudan, twelve[Read More…]

Silent and peaceful celebration of South Sudan’s 12th Independence anniversary was ideal. For many, occasions like this would be observed in public grounds with speeches from leaders and other dignitaries as well as traditional dancers presenting their arts, alas, we had covid-19 era event. In summary the event was decentralized[Read More…]

A farmer, whose family goes hungry merely because nobody is ready to cook, is not under famine threat but a syndrome of laziness. It serves no purpose employing computer-literate personnel in Northern Bahr El Ghazel, yet the health ministry complains of birth certificates than lack of materials. Just evaluate a[Read More…]

Grounding airliners with forgery registrations and mechanical unworthiness does not only expose a rot in a system but more so, saves lives. South Sudan has a record of loved ones lost to crashes from not airworthy planes hovering the country’s airspace and further losses need to be curtailed. At least[Read More…]

South Sudan’s political future and the much-anticipated democracy remain theoretical ideal but only, the presence and operationalization of parties’ office are heart soothing hope of the expected polls. The social media, of recent, is awash with posts of political parties launching offices in Juba and in the states: this rekindles[Read More…]

By Agoku Christine Taban (Guest Writer) Peace is the primary gear for societal developmental dimensions in every society and every citizen is striving for it in the country, whether in the rural or urban areas. The current economic situation has put a heavy burden on every person, communities have been[Read More…]

Honestly, understanding the roles of various institutions, limits of operations in relation to others are paramount, healthy practices, to avoid misrepresentation and misunderstanding. Taking the military manning traffic in Juba city, as a case study; yes, their presence along the road at any time of the day is very important[Read More…]

A relationship guru once said, “throw a party for people around you, keep them in celebration mood, they will each unveil their hearts’ secrets, unfortunately, outgoing revenue boss heard his after timeout, resistance to change. As talked at the well-coming ceremony of the new boss of national tax collectors, introducing[Read More…]

Owning a motor vehicle sets us class apart from peers in society. It provides freedom and movement, not to mention style and status but these also come with a big impact on the planet. Though vehicle pollutants harm our health and contain greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Burning gasoline[Read More…]

June 28 is for the Muslim faithful to gather and celebrate the happiness from God (Allah).  Overcoming suffering and temptations during the tap times of economic crisis, that’s a great moment in Islamic religion It is a moment of forgiveness, repentance, prayers, reconciliation and sharing with the needy in Muslims’[Read More…]