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Success is falling nine times and getting up

By Ustaz Mark Bang   As philosophical members described how they applied these six principles to their own lives—passion, vision, preparation, courage, perseverance, and integrity—to set them onto their individual paths to success, learn how these core principles helped our extraordinary leaders shape their achievements and their lives. Discover how[Read More…]

2024 elections Logjam

By James Aniceto Batikayo   In view of the fact that the transition to the General Elections 2024 is ending, despite the so-called Road Map extension, the preparations underway for the elections are still incomplete and inadequate. According to our research, there is no need for further extension of the[Read More…]

Life is two things in one

By Steady Ayuen   Everything in this world is in pairs; when you choose to do good to yourself and the people around you, it will surely turn around. As an American proverb states, “What goes around comes around.” Nobody has ever lived life to the fullest because we do[Read More…]