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The South Sudan Economic Dilemma

By John Simon Yokwe Keri The government of the day is in a deep mess over the economic dilemma. The economic situation is getting worse day after day, and prices in the markets are progressively increasing every week. The population is becoming disappointed, with no improvement since independence. A question[Read More…]

The abandoned masses

When a father becomes the burden, the barricade, his fellow brothers, his close allies, and his relatives, too, become onlookers. However, they become the family’s deadweight. The father to whom the children are born and looked up to has his role have a profound effect on one’s growth and development.[Read More…]

From a nobody to somebody

Before birth, your father tries all he can to make sure his children have a bright future. He delays marrying your mother just to have enough resources to marry a girl from a reputable family or a girl whose star is already shining. With a girl from a reputable family,[Read More…]

Veterans at the Heart of Nation-Building: Lessons for SPLM and South Sudan from Global Practices

By Bek Dhuorjang Chol   Summary This article examines the challenges and opportunities in integrating war veterans and wounded heroes into the national development process of South Sudan. It analyses the gap between the promises made to veterans during the liberation struggle and their actual fulfilment, emphasizing the importance of[Read More…]